Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Studies | Counselling Services | Leaflets and FAQ | Considering Pursuing a Second Undergraduate Degree

Considering Pursuing a Second Undergraduate Degree

Information as of April 2024.

Are you contemplating pursuing a Second Undergraduate Degree at Humboldt-Universität?

The term "second undergraduate degree programme" (Zweitstudium) typically applies to individuals who have already completed a degree at a German university or a university in the European Economic Area and wish to study another undergraduate degree programme. It’s important not confuse a second undergraduate degree programme

  • With studying on double degree programmes, where two degree programmes are pursued simultaneously (Doppelstudium - refer to the leaflet "Studying for two Degrees" for more information).
  • With a Master's programme intended for enrollment after completing a Bachelor's or another suitable university degree.

Will there be Fees for a Second Degree Programme?

No fees are levied for undergraduate degree programmes, including second degree programmes. Like all students, you`ll be required to pay the same semester fees.

What is the Application Procedure like?

Please utilize the online application form. For online applications to degree programmes at Humboldt, please refer to the information provided at

How are Study Places allocated for a Second Degree Programmes?

Only 4% of the available study places are allocated for second degree programmes. In degree programmes with limited capacities, there may be only a single available place open for such applicants. In cases of excess demand, applicants are prioritized using a scoring system based on specified criteria:

  • Result of the final examination of the first degree programme: A score (1-4 points) is determined for the examination result of the first degree programme.
  • Reasons for pursuing the second degree programme: Your reasons for pursuing second degree programme are also evaluated and scored Five case groups are distinguished:
    • Compelling professional reasons: 9 points,
    • Scientific reasons: 7-11 points,
    • Special professional reasons: 7 points,
    • Other professional reasons: 4 points,
    • None of the above reasons: 1 point.

    The allocation of study places for second degree programmes is not influenced by your grade point average in your general higher education entrance qualification nor any waiting semesters.

    Unsure If Your Application Qualifies as a Second Degree Application?

    Your educational qualification is considered a completed undergraduate degree programme, if

    • You have completed your studies at a German university or at a university in the European Economic Area, and
    • The overall grade and successful completion of the first degree programme have been confirmed or a degree certificate is available. If this is not the case by the application deadline, please apply with your general higher education entrance qualification for a first degree programme.

    Please Note

    A successfully passed final examination at a university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) is considered a general higher education entrance qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife).

Information according to EU-DSGVO


When contacting facilities of the study department, personal data are partly collected and processed. The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU-DSGVO) and in accordance with the Berlin Data Protection Act (BlnDSG). Further information on this, your rights and options can be found at